Tuesday 11 December 2012

Kick-Ass: Production and Distribution

Produced by the British company MARV Films (KA) had an inital budget of $28 million, very large for a British company, and this was because $10.5 million was spent on distributing the film by the North American company Lionsgate. This left a budget of $17.5 million on production, which was almost eqaully spent on above the line costs and below the line costs along with script costs. Kick Ass wanted to successful gain an American Audience along with a British and therefore had a larger budget. Location was one way in which production tryed to entice american audience, with allot of filming taking part in Canada & America along with England, and the actor Nicholas Cage (A very famous actor from America) was extra insentive for the American audience to become attracted to the film. Lionsgate's marketing scheme consisted with the constant release of new posters and teaser trailers that slowly revealed the idea of super heroes without powers. The first batch of posters saw each individual charcter have their own, with their back turned to the camera and the word KICK-ASS was spelt if all posters were placed together, this revealed the name of movie but deliberately didn't reveal allot of information about the characters which got the audience wondering and intrigued about what they could be like. A second batch of posters were then distributed out, revelaing each individual character again but this time concentrating on the colour scheme of each and a front shot, which enticed and attracted the audiences attention, each poster had a url adress that seemingly linked them to the characters own website, instead all of them linkign to the (KA) official website were teaser and full length trailers could be watched. (KA) in return had box office figures of $96 million and won Best British FIlm in the Empire Awards. ($48 million grossed in North America).

Written by Stephen Hare.

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